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When news of the Jewish justice’s death spread last week, so did a lot of weird claims about how Jews should mourn and what they believe. It’s time to clear things up.

Sept. 25 2020 12:01AM

When ancient practices for honoring the dead become a threat to the living.

March 23 2020 12:01AM

At a refreshingly Christian memorial service, a secular Jew has some mixed feelings.

Howard Jacobson
Aug. 2 2019 12:01AM

A prayer more powerful than its words.

Jay Lefkowitz
March 2 2018 12:01AM

A reflective history of Jewish views of death and what follows it.

Abraham Socher
April 6 2017 12:01AM

To forget one’s past is to remain forever a child.

Aug. 11 2016 12:01AM

Beginning at 9:15 a.m. (eastern daylight time), Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter delivers his annual all-day webcast on the themes of Tisha b’Av. Source sheets can. . .

Jacob J. Schacter
July 16 2013 12:00AM

Beginning at 9:15 a.m. tomorrow, July 16, Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter will deliver his annual all-day live webcast on the themes of Tisha b’Av. Source. . .

Jacob J. Schacter
July 15 2013 12:00AM

Unique among early Iron Age civilizations, the ancient Israelites left behind very few tombs. Does this reflect a gap in the archeological record, or the. . .

July 15 2013 12:00AM

The utter fragility of Jewish sovereignty has been a fact of history—a fact worth pondering during this annual period of mourning for lost commonwealths.

July 8 2013 12:00AM

The rabbis cited mutual hatred among Jews as the sin responsible for the Second Temple's destruction. Have Jews learned the lesson?

July 2 2013 12:00AM

Now that the Jewish people are once again sovereign in Israel, what is the significance of the three weeks of mourning, which begin today, for. . .

Tal Becker
June 25 2013 6:20AM