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Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, anti-Semite.

Nick Cohen
April 18 2016 12:01AM

The contemporary left’s hatred of Israel and indifference (or worse) toward the virulent anti-Semitism of radical Islamists come as a surprise to many. But, writes. . .

Robert Wistrich
Dec. 3 2014 12:01AM

This year, the Shiite holiday of Ashura coincided with another Iranian national holiday: the anniversary of the takeover of the American embassy on November 4,. . .

A. Savyon, Y. Mansharof and and E. Kharazi
Nov. 18 2014 12:01AM

President Obama’s recent letter to Ayatollah Khameini, the forth such personal appeal to Iran’s Supreme Leader, can serve only to undermine efforts at preventing Iran. . .

Suzanne Maloney
Nov. 10 2014 12:01AM

A recent collection of essays on the so-called BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) movement explores the twisted ideologies that have led to increased calls from. . .

Andrei S. Markovits
Nov. 5 2014 12:01AM

Anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism work hand in hand, and will not be defeated by pretending otherwise. (September 11, 2011)

Abe Greenwald
Sept. 12 2014 12:01AM

Why anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism are becoming one and the same.

Jan. 1 2004 12:00AM