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Yom Kippur

The custom of swinging a chicken over one’s head on the eve of Yom Kippur, slaughtering it, and giving it to a poor family was. . .

Oct. 3 2014 12:01AM

Why should we confess, particularly on Yom Kippur? Why in public? And why so many times?

Oct. 2 2014 6:00PM

How a central prayer of the New Year liturgy reveals the day’s true spirit of awe and fear.

Sept. 22 2014 7:20PM

Purim, the most joyous and raucous holiday on the Jewish calendar, has been linked with Yom Kippur, the most solemn and holiest day. Why?   

Alan Zelenetz
March 14 2014 12:01AM

The words entreating forgiveness in the Yom Kippur liturgy suggest that the slate cannot be wiped entirely clean. 

Marc Zvi Brettler
Sept. 13 2013 12:00AM

Repentance demands not only the recall and the confession of past sins but the willingness to let them go. 

Donniel Hartman
Sept. 13 2013 12:00AM

The disgraced Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer want to return to public office. Have they repented? And have they atoned?

Sept. 10 2013 12:00AM

The concept of a divine ledger in which God inscribes the fate of each Jew during the High Holy Days stretches back to the shared. . .

Sept. 9 2013 12:00AM