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Yasir Arafat

From Nazism to Islamism, they have backed the wrong side in every global conflict.

Amotz Asa-El
Nov. 30 2015 12:01AM

The credit, rather, goes to Osama bin Laden and Yasir Arafat.

David Bernstein
Sept. 11 2015 12:01AM

Anything but bring peace and democracy.

Khaled Abu Toameh
Aug. 21 2015 12:01AM

In taking his case to the UN, Mahmoud Abbas is hoping to force an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank. But what could Abbas possibly. . .

Jeff Robbins
Dec. 24 2014 12:01AM

Yasir Arafat, who died ten years ago today, inflicted enormous suffering not only in Israel, Jordan and Lebanon but on the Palestinian people. Elliott Abrams. . .

Nov. 11 2014 12:01AM

Hamas’ leaders, like Yasir Arafat before them, have made the mistake of believing their own lies. And so they, again like Arafat, will prosper, while their people suffer.

Edward Luttwak
Sept. 18 2014 12:01AM

How will today’s Israel-Palestinian negotiations fare? Break out the storyline from the Oslo Accords of the 90s. America has the same failed strategy now.  

March 19 2014 12:01AM

Yasir Arafat never truly accepted the validity of a Jewish state; his successor Mahmoud Abbas is merely following suit. 

Alan Baker
March 18 2014 12:01AM

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas insists on denying a fact that even his murderous predecessor Yasir Arafat admitted.

March 17 2014 12:01AM

Only in the 1960s, with the rise of Yasir Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization, did the term “Palestinian” begin to exclude Palestinian Jews.

Clifford D. May
Jan. 3 2014 12:00AM

Why did Israel ever expect that the PLO—a terrorist front with no democratic mandate, no governing experience, and nothing to lose—would help secure a lasting peace?

Robert Nicholson
Aug. 27 2013 12:00AM