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A Christian reading of Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Halakhic Man highlights how much Jews and Christians share, and how grave are their differences.

Aug. 12 2014 12:01AM

At work in the richly varied oeuvre of the late public intellectual is a penetrating theological-political insight into the nature of human experience.

Matthew Continetti
June 24 2014 12:01AM

A literary and political masterpiece, the book of Deuteronomy deserves to be appreciated both for its final theological teaching and in light of the transformative. . .

Mark Leuchter
Jan. 29 2014 12:00AM

Striving for a new theology to account for restored Jewish sovereignty, a Catholic priest ended by condemning Israel as fervently as he had admired it.

Jonathan Yudelman
Jan. 17 2014 12:00AM

Why do so many ancient synagogue mosaics in Israel feature pagan symbols? (2012)

Walter Zanger
Dec. 5 2013 12:00AM

On Hanukkah, the lights and distractions of the material world fade before the true source of enlightenment.

Alan Zelenetz
Nov. 29 2013 12:00AM

A new wave of Israeli science fiction and fantasy not only reflects global currents and popular culture but also grapples with issues of Jewish belief and identity.

Nov. 27 2013 12:00AM

In the wake of national or personal tragedy, is there a way for Jews to protest divine injustice by “tacking” in prayer?

David R. Blumenthal
Oct. 29 2013 12:00AM

Rather than eschewing the physical, the Chabad movement aims to reveal the material world as another form of divine expression.

Don Seeman
Oct. 2 2013 12:00AM

Are the seven hoshanot—ritual circuits of the synagogue—practiced today, on Hoshana Rabbah, an echo of the biblical conquest of Jericho?

Zev Farber
Sept. 25 2013 12:00AM

With the recitation of the prayer for rain on Sh’mini Atzeret, the High Holiday season closes in a reminder of human frailty and divine beneficence. 

Lauren Berkun
Sept. 25 2013 12:00AM

“Jews are the world’s experts in insecurity, having lived with it for millennia. And the supreme response to insecurity is Sukkot.”

Sept. 18 2013 12:00AM

The words entreating forgiveness in the Yom Kippur liturgy suggest that the slate cannot be wiped entirely clean. 

Marc Zvi Brettler
Sept. 13 2013 12:00AM

The concept of a divine ledger in which God inscribes the fate of each Jew during the High Holy Days stretches back to the shared. . .

Sept. 9 2013 12:00AM