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Evangelicals, Israel, and American Jewish politics.

July 5 2017 12:01AM

Good Jew, bad Jew.

Jan. 20 2017 12:01AM

Misinformation and anti-Semitic stereotypes, with a positive spin.

James Ross
Feb. 2 2016 12:01AM

“Each Korean family has at least one copy of the Talmud.”

Ross Arbes
June 25 2015 12:01AM

Wichita in 1899 really didn’t like the verdict against him.

Mississippi Fred MacDowell
April 17 2015 12:01AM

Why does Dune portray the Jews as a “fossil-people”?

March 31 2015 12:01AM

Despite speculation to the contrary, there is no solid evidence that Alexander Hamilton was of Jewish ancestry on his mother’s side. But his stepfather seems. . .

Gabriela Geselowitz
Feb. 23 2015 12:01AM

Marking the 50th anniversary of the death of Winston Churchill, Scott Johnson reflects on the great British leader’s history of sympathy for the Jews:

Scott Johnson
Jan. 26 2015 12:01AM

The British journalist Julie Burchill has never shied away from expressing her sympathy for Jews and the Jewish state. Quitting the Guardian in 2004, she. . .

Benjamin Bilski
Jan. 16 2015 12:01AM

A recent survey conducted by the ADL ranked Korea the third most anti-Semitic country in Asia (after Malaysia and Armenia). The country has a tiny. . .

Dave Hazzan
Nov. 5 2014 12:01AM

On November 10, the ashes of Lt.-Col. John Henry Patterson will be reinterred at an Israeli cemetery. Patterson earned a heroic reputation in the British. . .

Natan Slifkin
Oct. 15 2014 12:01AM

The great American writer, often recognized as a friend of the Jewish people, is less well known for his deep appreciation of Jewish ideas.

Howard Zik
Aug. 28 2014 12:01AM

Sir Walter Scott’s historical novel doesn’t just show Jews as an oppressed minority; it expresses a chivalric vision of Jewish statehood. 

Aug. 12 2014 12:01AM

Ignorance and hostility were bad enough; worse were artificial displays of historical contrition; then came assertions that it was time to bury the past altogether.

Yascha Mounk
Jan. 7 2014 12:00AM