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The Nazi roots of Iran’s Holocaust denial.

Emanuele Ottolenghi
May 22 2015 12:01AM

So Forbidden Films: The Hidden Legacy of Nazi Films asks.

Thomas Doherty
May 13 2015 12:01AM

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

William O’Connor
March 10 2015 12:01AM

A new book argues that Nazi anti-Semitism wasn’t so different from what came before.

David Cesarani
March 9 2015 12:01AM

The publication of some of Martin Heidegger’s “black notebooks”—unpublished writings from the Nazi era—have shown the extent of the support for Hitler given by the. . .

Donatella Di Cesare
Feb. 13 2015 12:01AM

Two centuries after the great composer’s birth, his anti-Semitism remains a bitterly contested issue. Perhaps that’s because no one has yet come to grips with its, or his, true nature.

Jan. 5 2015 12:01AM

Nazism, writes Daniel Johnson, is best understood as a movement to destroy Western civilization, a goal it shared with Soviet Communism. Too few Europeans understood. . .

Dec. 24 2014 12:01AM

In addition to his influential philosophical and theological writings, the eminent German Catholic thinker Dietrich von Hildebrand was a vocal opponent of Nazism—unlike many of his. . .

Dec. 4 2014 12:01AM

Götz Aly, a prominent (and often controversial) historian of Nazi Germany, has written a new book attempting to understand the underlying motivations for German anti-Semitism.. . .

Oct. 23 2014 12:01AM

A new study of Adolf Eichmann, true Nazi believer and proud of it, confirms the extent to which Hannah Arendt got him totally wrong.

Jennifer Schuessler
Sept. 4 2014 12:01AM

Theories abound, but in the end only one war aim mattered to history’s greatest single suicide bomber, the man who blew up Europe to kill its Jews.

Ron Rosenbaum
July 14 2014 12:01AM

The 1940 Nazi invasion of France turned the country’s classical-music scene into a mix of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Benjamin Ivry
March 11 2014 12:01AM

Neither Nazism nor Bolshevism would have been conceivable without the disaster that was World War I.  

Feb. 28 2014 12:01AM

The close kinship between two modern political movements puts paid to the conventional idea that one of them, Nazism, is a more extreme form of conservatism. 

Daniel Hannan
Feb. 27 2014 12:01AM