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Naftali Bennett

Highly publicized worries about the role of religion in Israeli public life rely on a false view of Israeli politics—and a gross misunderstanding of Judaism. 

Yair Rosenberg
April 14 2014 12:01AM

Did Israel’s minister of the economy insult Israel’s prime minister? It’s all a question of translation.

Feb. 12 2014 12:01AM

In courting ultra-Orthodox parties behind the scenes, Netanyahu may be signaling his current coalition partners that he has alternatives—and Washington that he is serious about. . .

Shmuel Sandler
Aug. 20 2013 12:00AM

The election of David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef as Israel’s next chief rabbis represents a political victory for the ultra-Orthodox—and also for the prime minister.

Gil Hoffman
July 25 2013 12:00AM

If religious Zionism is to reclaim its place in Israeli society, it must embrace a Judaism that stands on ideas and values, not on divine authority. 

Donniel Hartman
June 21 2013 12:00AM