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Some Reform rabbis have taken to justifying intermarriage by invoking an utterly fanciful biblical prototype; they couldn’t have picked a more damaging or counterproductive religious strategy.  

Leon A. Morris
Feb. 5 2014 12:01AM

In preparation for the exodus from Egypt, an apparent non-sequitur in this week’s Torah portion points to a crucial shift in the Israelite leadership:. . .

Yoseif Bloch
Dec. 26 2013 12:00AM

The Torah is silent on the details of Moses’ forty-year year sojourn in Midian, suggesting a period of ascetic retreat that God forces him. . .

Mosheh Lichtenstein
Dec. 24 2013 12:00AM

By portraying Moses as a unique, inimitable leader, the Bible shifts the emphasis away from the man to the message he communicates—the Law, and God. . .

Peter Machinist
Oct. 9 2013 12:00AM

Miriam’s slander of Moses, and the severity of her punishment for it, suggest that even divine authority can be undermined by cynicism.

Gil Student
Aug. 22 2013 12:00AM

To suggest that some verses in the Torah were not written by Moses, as does the medieval commentator Abraham ibn Ezra, is not in and of itself heretical.

Yuval Cherlow
Aug. 15 2013 12:00AM

“A great melancholy emerges from Joshua’s life story, a sadness that stays with him to the end of his days. Is it because his life. . .

Elie Wiesel
Aug. 13 2013 12:00AM

Beyond the distinctive insights offered by each respondent, the overall result is fascinating, not least because the four responses wind up unintentionally but profoundly disagreeing with one another.

June 26 2013 11:03PM

From the Patriarchs and the Family to Sinai and the Nation. A video conversation with Leon R. Kass.

June 23 2013 10:30AM