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How a confident Judaism can transform intermarriages into Jewish marriages

Harold Berman
Sept. 23 2013 10:22PM

A “Purple” Solution to Intermarriage

Sept. 15 2013 10:36PM

We must absolutely not turn our backs on intermarried Jews and their non-Jewish spouses. 

Eric H. Yoffie
Sept. 11 2013 10:41PM

The real fight facing American Jews is not against intermarriage but for marriage itself.

Sylvia Barack Fishman
Sept. 8 2013 10:52PM

The battle is over; or so we’re told. A half-century after the rate of intermarriage in the US began to skyrocket, the Jewish community appears to have resigned itself to the inevitable. But to declare defeat is preposterous.

Sept. 3 2013 12:01AM

Separating religion and state sends the wrong signal in principle, and could wreak havoc in practice.

Yisrael Aumann
July 24 2013 11:34PM