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Hebrew Bible

The author of a new book about Israel’s diplomatic history joins us to discuss the enduring lessons he’s learned from surveying 3,000 years of Jewish history.

Emmanuel Navon and Tikvah Podcast at Mosaic
Jan. 28 2021 12:02AM

Its meaning in the Bible is “Truly said!” or “So be it!” After that it acquired its intense liturgical emotion, and then hasn’t changed much since.

Jan. 28 2021 12:01AM

This week, Kass looks at what the ten plagues of Egypt reveal about the God who metes them out.

Jan. 21 2021 12:01AM

This week, we look at the religious, political, and cultural matrix out of which Israel emerges, and the human alternative against which Israel will be defined.

Jan. 15 2021 12:01AM

Read along with one of our time’s great readers of the Bible as he works his way through the book of Exodus.

Jan. 8 2021 12:00AM

A false dichotomy between the particularist king and the universalist prophet nevertheless discloses a truth about its author.

Oct. 6 2020 12:01AM

A rabbinic lesson in civic comity.

Leon Morris and Zvi Hirschfield
Oct. 2 2020 12:01AM

Surprisingly unchanging.

Israel Today
Oct. 2 2020 12:01AM

A handbook for nurturing the civic virtues necessary for self-government.

Daniel Dreisbach
Sept. 29 2020 12:01AM

Not the exclusive domain of scribes

Tel Aviv University
Sept. 18 2020 12:01AM

Women played key roles in economic and ritual life.

Carol Meyers
Sept. 10 2020 12:01AM

Using archaeological seeds to recreate an ancient variety.

Isabel Kershner
Sept. 8 2020 12:01AM

And for why it matters.

James Hoffmeier
Aug. 28 2020 12:01AM

A remnant of the time of the Judges.

Jonathan Laden
Aug. 26 2020 12:01AM