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Biblical Politics

As the other great texts of Near Eastern antiquity languish in museums or have disappeared, the Bible has endured as a living work. Why?

Jacob L. Wright
June 19 2014 12:01AM

Of the twelve men sent by Moses to “spy out” the land of Israel, only Caleb and Joshua argue in defense of faith in God’s. . .

Tamir Granot
June 13 2014 12:01AM

Are the highly questionable premises and conclusions of academic Bible studies becoming an article of Orthodox dogma? That way lies surrender, intellectual and otherwise.

May 28 2014 12:01AM

From biblical theme parks to Israel-flag hat pins, the ancient and modern land of Israel is deeply embedded in the American imagination.

Jenna Weissman Joselit
May 15 2014 12:01AM

Few Americans have grasped how deeply the five books of Moses informed the political imagination of early America, a self-consciously “Hebraic” polity. 

Peter J. Leithart
May 12 2014 12:01AM

The International Bible Contest, whose final round is held annually in Jerusalem on Independence Day, showcases the benefits of Jewish learning. 

Yair Rosenberg
May 2 2014 12:01AM

As the Exodus story suggests, the blessings of freedom are secured through laws: guardrails that tame the ego and remind us of permanent truths.  

David Brooks
April 18 2014 12:01AM

Uniquely in ancient history, the Israelites after their liberation did not attempt to enslave their enemies. 

Eliezer Melamed
April 8 2014 12:01AM

Some viewers have charged the movie Noah with being unfaithful to Genesis; more offensive is its portrait of a demonically cruel God.

April 7 2014 12:01AM

In an effort to discredit Jewish claims while solidifying their own, Palestinian leaders have preposterously alleged descent from the ancient Canaanites.

Allan Baker
March 25 2014 12:01AM

In sharp contrast to today’s unbelievers, Friedrich Nietzsche understood that the “death of God” meant the death of morality.

John Gray
March 25 2014 12:01AM

It is not “exclusionary” to give the Ten Commandments a privileged position in American national life, whose institutions they have done so much to form.

March 24 2014 12:01AM

The story of Jethro, Moses’ intelligent and humane father-in-law, and a Gentile, illustrates the Hebrew Bible’s embrace of goodness whatever its origin. (June 1998.)

Elie Wiesel
March 21 2014 12:01AM

The opening of the book of Leviticus shows how Moses’ greatness stems in large measure from his humility.

Yonatan Sredni
March 7 2014 12:01AM