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Early Christian art contains frequent depictions of Jews but rarely gives them any distinctive Jewish features. Then, around the year 1000, Jews begin to appear. . .

Bernard Starr
Feb. 25 2015 12:01AM

The image of a vicious Jew with a large, hooked nose has long been a mainstay of anti-Semitic caricature, and remains so today. Before the. . .

Sara Lipton
Nov. 17 2014 12:01AM

Max Stern, a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, established himself as a successful art dealer in Montreal and went on to revolutionize the Canadian art. . .

Sara Angel
Oct. 22 2014 12:01AM

The British Pre-Raphaelites wanted to turn back the artistic and cultural clock; the Italian Futurists wanted to turn it (violently) forward. What do Jews and Christians want?

Daniel Ross Goodman
Aug. 27 2014 12:01AM

Through facile explanations of the material origins of human thought, an intolerant pseudoscience aims to debunk all art, culture, and religion.

Roger Scruton
March 7 2014 12:01AM

Synagogue painters in 19th- and 20th-century Romania left behind an extraordinarily rich variety of images of the longed-for but never-seen Holy Land. 

Ilia Rodov
Feb. 10 2014 12:01AM

New research into the career of Hildebrand Gurlitt, whose art collection was recently discovered in Munich, discloses the scale of both his trade in. . .

Michael Sontheimer
Dec. 24 2013 12:00AM

A recently rediscovered painting depicts the abduction of a Jewish child by church authorities 150 years ago in an incident that changed the course of Italian and Jewish history.

Maya Benton
Dec. 19 2013 12:00AM

A new biography of the art historian Bernard Berenson distinguishes itself from its predecessors by exploring his childhood in Lithuania and his adolescent struggles with Jewish identity.

Marco Grassi
Dec. 17 2013 12:00AM

The story of the family behind the Nazi-era art trove

Dec. 4 2013 12:39AM

In Paris, an unoriginal exhibition of Chagall’s middle-period paintings has entranced both audiences and critics; in Liverpool, a show of his prodigious early work has. . .

Vladislav Davidzon
Sept. 25 2013 12:00AM

Born in Czernowitz in 1913, the Romanian-Jewish artist Isiu Schärf painted landscapes from Siberia to Israel. A collector is planning to reintroduce his work to the public.

Julia M. Klein
July 15 2013 12:00AM