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American founding

What the “realists” get wrong.

June 6 2016 12:01AM

Contemporary debates forget that it serves a distinct social and moral purpose.

Mark Bauerlein
May 29 2015 12:01AM

Where previous societies had “tolerated” religious minorities, the U.S. Constitution was the first to promote free religious practice. 

James Stoner
Aug. 1 2014 12:01AM

While his personal belief may have wavered, the founding father never doubted that religion was an “indispensable support” of public life and human happiness.

Mark Movsesian
July 17 2014 12:01AM

“May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants—while. . .

George Washington
July 3 2014 12:01AM

Few Americans have grasped how deeply the five books of Moses informed the political imagination of early America, a self-consciously “Hebraic” polity. 

Peter J. Leithart
May 12 2014 12:01AM