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Everything a Jew Ever Wanted to Know about Hinduism but Was Afraid to Ask

March 9, 2018 | Alan Brill
About the author: Alan Brill holds the chair for Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University and is the author of, among other books, Judaism and World Religions (2012) and Rabbi on the Ganges: A Jewish-Hindu Encounter (2019).

Having recently returned from a year spent at a Hindu university in India teaching Judaism and comparative religion, Alan Brill shares some reflections on the relationship between the two faiths. He notes that some medieval rabbis, dating back to at least the 9th century, were aware of Hindu beliefs and practices, and even read sacred Hindu texts that had been translated into Arabic or even Hebrew. He also compares the two religions’ preoccupation with rules and regulations, purity and contamination, and forbidden and permitted food and considers the question of whether Hinduism should be considered idolatry by talmudic standards. (Audio, 77 minutes.)

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