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The Untold Story of the Jewish State’s Founding Document

February 12, 2020 | Martin Kramer
About the author: Martin Kramer teaches Middle Eastern history and served as founding president at Shalem College in Jerusalem, and is the Koret distinguished fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

While the state of Israel has no written constitution, it does have a declaration of independence. The text went through numerous revisions as the founders of the Jewish state debated when to declare independence, what the new country would be called, whether or not its borders should be specified, and whether God should be mentioned in the declaration. (As a compromise on the last point, it included the ambiguous phrase “Rock of Israel.”) In a newly released online course, the historian and Mosaic contributor Martin Kramer tells this remarkable story. Click on the link below to register for the course, or watch the preview here.

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