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The Differences between the New U.S. Peace Plan and Its Predecessors Show Why Israel Should Embrace It

January 31, 2020 | Gershon Hacohen
About the author: Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen served in the IDF for 42 years, commanding troops in battle on the Egyptian, Lebanese, and Syrian fronts. Today he directs many of the IDF’s war-simulation exercises.

Comparing the White House proposal for ending the Israel-Palestinian conflict with that offered by the Obama administration, Gershon Hacohen sees it as a historic opportunity:

By way of imposing a solution on the Israeli government, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry tasked General John Allen with crafting a security plan that would allay Israel’s security concerns about an almost total withdrawal from the West Bank, including the Jordan Valley. . . . With that plan the [Obama] administration sought to fulfill its commitment to Israel’s security while rejecting its demand for defensible borders that do not conform to the 1967 lines.

The greatness of the Trump plan lies in the fact that unlike preceding American peace initiatives, it recognizes Israel’s right to retain territories beyond the 1967 lines as a matter of historical right and not solely as a measure to be taken for security purposes. Though the plan does not grant Israel all it desires, it plainly repudiates the precedent established by the peace treaty with Egypt, which mandated a complete Israeli withdrawal to the last centimeter.

Israel has received a precious gift, and it must decide what to make of the potential it harbors. About such moments [the Talmud] said: “There are those who gain the world in a single moment and there are those who lose the world in a single moment.”

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