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What Africa Can Learn from Israel

June 5, 2019 | Ibitoye Olukosi
About the author:

Urging his fellow Africans to eschew the “victim mentality” of blaming their countries’ woes on the depredations of European colonialism, Ibitoye Olukosi suggests they look to Zionism for inspiration:

Africans are not the only people who have had to pass through a phase where they were dehumanized, humiliated, spat on, raped, killed like animals, and dispersed across the globe. At various points in Jewish history, Jews were driven from their original homes, scattered abroad, and almost wiped out in a Holocaust conducted by Nazi Germany, until they gradually went back to Israel and [created a state there in] 1948. . . .

Israel was more or less a “desert” when the Jews [returned en masse]. But today, it has been transformed into an indispensable country, visited by citizens of many other nations for religious tourism and academic exchange programs. Similarly, many countries now rely on, and partner with, Israel in science, technology, military, trade, and security. No doubt, this is a miracle considering [how] Jews were treated . . . in Europe and elsewhere 71 years ago.

Moreover, the Jews did not delay their progress by blaming Hitler for killing over six million of their kind; nor did they blame anyone for their having to live in exile for more than 1,000 years; rather, they put the awful experiences behind them, rolled up their sleeves, and rebuilt themselves and their country. I am very sure that Israel would be at the mercy of its hostile neighbors or Western allies today should they have held on to the victim mentality.

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