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In America, Islamic Education Encourages Hostility toward Israel

March 23, 2016 | Danielle Ziri
About the author:

According to a recent report, North American Islamic-studies textbooks and curricula, produced by Muslim organizations for school children, tend to advocate tolerance—except when it comes to the Jewish state. Danielle Ziri writes:

In two of the curricula, Israel appears on some maps, while others omit the name entirely. One textbook even states that Israel has no historic claim to [its] land, while another places anti-Israel activities at the center of its call for political activism. . . . [The textbooks present a] narrative about Israel and the Palestinians [that] is simplistic, one-sided, and unhelpful. . . .

While the five Islamic curricula are all based on sharia law, aside from their views on Israel, most . . . carry a generally tolerant perspective and even encourage involvement in American civic and economic life—[except for one, which] teaches that Islam should be imposed by the full force of the Muslim state.

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