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When It Comes to Relations with Israel, Canada Follows the Depressing Trend

November 9, 2015 | Abe Greenwald
About the author:

When asked why it is so important that his cabinet have an equal proportion of men and women, Canada’s new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, replied, “Because it’s 2015.” Similarly, writes Abe Greenwald, Trudeau is pursuing more “balanced” relations with Israel—in part by attempting to improve its relations with Lebanon—because it’s the trendy thing to do:

Among progressives, the term “balance” can excuse all manner of foolishness. . . . There is no sound justification for Canada to cool relations with Israel while flattering Israel’s neighbors. There are only stock liberal notions about Israeli misconduct and the need for “balance” in Middle East affairs. When you act . . . mechanically, you lose the ability to think critically. What’s the real reason Canada is changing its tone toward Israel? Because that’s what liberal governments do these days. Because it’s 2015. Mischief to follow.

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