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Palestinian Popular Culture, UNESCO, and the Prospects for Peace

October 28, 2015 | Jonathan Tobin
About the author:

Among Palestinians, popular songs with titles like “Stab, Stab” or “Run Over, Run Over the Settler” are hits, and social media are inundated with anti-Semitic images and lionizations of terrorism. Meanwhile, UNESCO has passed a resolution condemning imagined Israeli aggression while denying any Jewish connection to Jewish holy sites. Jonathan Tobin writes:

In the eyes of those making claims on Jewish holy places at the United Nations as well as the composers of Palestinian snuff songs, or those taking up knives, guns, and firebombs to slaughter, the conflict is a zero-sum game. Their goal is the same as that of Palestinian nationalists in the time of the mufti of Jerusalem: reverse the history of the last century and end the rebirth of Jewish sovereignty over any part of the country. Just as [Mahmoud] Abbas won’t accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state no matter where its borders are drawn, the people hearing his lies about the Temple Mount who go out to murder aren’t killing for the sake of a better border.

Withdrawals from territory or even concessions in Jerusalem won’t satisfy this blood lust any more than a withdrawal of every settler, soldier, and settlement from Gaza prevented it from being turned into a terrorist state run by Hamas. The reality of this culture of hate isn’t easy to accept for those who prefer to believe Abbas really is a man of peace and that a two-state solution is viable. But it remains the real obstacle to peace.

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